Monday, 28 April 2008

Construction for a library

I began to use the space at Theydon Road by reading there. My thoughts turned to what books other people are reading or will bring to the space and to the idea of a library. I would like to invite everyone to place books that they bring to the space on the narrow shelves I have installed in the smallest room and to look at what others have left there. None of the books should be taken away from the space except by their owners. You can leave books there for as long or short a time as you feel they are relevant to your use of the space, or as your own use of the book allows. There is also a book on the shelves which will remain permanently - the catalogue - into which any book placed on the shelf, even for half an hour, should be entered. In this way the room and shelves will function as a fleeting, evolving and contingent library for the project and the catalogue as a bibliography. The catalogue will also be available and updated here.

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